Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Technorati hates me

They refuse to index my blog. Indeed, they refuse to admit that my blog exists. WTF?!

-- Badtux the Hated Penguin

Technorati Profile


  1. Hmm, maybe not necessary, I'm talking about the Technorati robot, not the people who work at Technorati. Their robot quit collecting data from my sites back in August 2006, and appears to have un-indexed all my sites. It's unclear why that happened, undoubtedly just a technical glitch in their robot somehow thinking "hmm, that IP address is not valid". Still enough to make a penguin whine though :-}.

    - Badtux the Whiney Penguin

  2. They probably just didn't want to argue with you. ;)

  3. Yeah, those robots. Good luck. Oh, what the hell, all we are doing is screwing around anyway.

  4. You know, I'm not sure you DO exist...


  5. Is that a robot's way of banning someone? I only ask because you do have a knack for drawing bans...

  6. Get those technorati nerds on that! You'll bump up my street cred in the process!

  7. ping your site at technorati and if that is not working go to pingoat to see if it works.

    Also update your pinging code. I think it has changed.

    Why when ever I come here I become hungry of makeral or some other fish.

  8. Just pinged your blog with pingoat.com so check out technorati to see if it accepted the ping.

  9. Ok, Nothing on your blog tells me that you are linked to technorati by the ping code. Where is the technorati link?


  10. Is your site feed working okay? That's usually the land of the bots.

  11. Well, they resisted my change of address mightily. It took over an hour before the registration actually gave me a screen that said it had taken hold.

  12. It's weird - they're definitely indexing it - but sumpin' seems FUBAR with it.

    I can't say I'm surprised - they've got a blog I help out with listed as 'unlinked' - but at the same time, they report several hundred links to it. Go figure.


Ground rules: Comments that consist solely of insults, fact-free talking points, are off-topic, or simply spam the same argument over and over will be deleted. The penguin is the only one allowed to be an ass here. All viewpoints, however, are welcomed, even if I disagree vehemently with you.

WARNING: You are entitled to create your own arguments, but you are NOT entitled to create your own facts. If you spew scientific denialism, or insist that the sky is purple, or otherwise insist that your made-up universe of pink unicorns and cotton candy trees is "real", well -- expect the banhammer.

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