The real threat to America
is not terrorists, according to right-wing nutballs Sean Hannity and Neal Boortz. No. The real threat to America is... teachers.
Yes. Teachers. Why, if we don't fire all these "teacher" fiends immediately and replace them with Bible-thumpin' preacher men to teech our childrens rite, they'll, they'll... KILL US ALL! AGGH! THE PAIN! THE PAIN! MAKE IT STOP, BABY JESUS! MAKE IT STOP!
I can't make up shit funnier than today's Republican Party. I try and I try, but... oh my aching head!
-- Badtux the "Reality is stranger than fiction" Penguin
Left: One of those dangerous "teacher" fiends tortures a room full of innocent children. Oh the horror!
Well, being the spirit of Jesus. But completely against all that bible bullshit that they made up.
ReplyDeleteAll I can tell you is.
You might as well just beat your head against the wall because those fucking christians are crazy wrong.
But that teacher in the picture, I would like to teach her a thing or two. LOL
I tend to agree with BBC: the Christianists are getting out of control, and the Republican-Americans (to use a semi-derogatory term suggested by a Kos diarist) are simply egging them on in an effort to retain their frantic grip on the reins of government.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as the teacher goes, well...
what we need to get rid of are the bloated administrations -- in school and our goverment!1
ReplyDeleteAs a former teacher who also worked with administrators as a computer technology consultant after I left teaching, I can tell you that 9/10ths of administrators' jobs are dealing with all the bullshit paperwork that the state and feds require. This is because of supposed 'accountability' reasons, but they require all this paperwork, then don't pay for the administrators needed to collect the info and fill out the paperwork, so the money gets taken away from the schoolkids instead. I once worked with a district pupil attendance coordinator and we were making a report to the state. The state computer burped back a list of students and told us try again. I looked at the list. "These are students that were here last year but are not here this year, and the state wants to know where they went." The pupil attendance coordinator, who was also the discipline hearing officer, the discipline coordinator, the school bus coordinator, and the district technology coordinator, looked at me and said, "How am I supposed to know that?" "I guess you call the principals and ask." "What codes do they give us for coding where these kids went?" I showed him the list in the state manual. The first six codes counted the students as dropouts. The last code did not. "Okay, so all these kids moved out of state," he said, and filled in that code for all the kids the state had reported as "missing".
ReplyDeleteThat district had an official dropout rate of 3%. Total bullshit. There was never enough people to collect real data, so they just made shit up. Sooner or later they'll get caught and slapped on the wrist and the district fined, at which point yet more money gets taken away from the kids. And none of it has a goddamned thing to do with educating kids, and everything to do with politicians and their bullshit.
-Badtux the Former Teacher Penguin