Friday, February 09, 2007

Casting call for the Flat Earth Society!

A Right-wing nutcase who is a media consultant for Republicans claims:

Look, whether or not global warming, or climate change, is occurring is not an issue I’m interested in debating. You likely feel passionately one way or another. But for goodness sakes, if there are two sides to the issue, then I should be hearing both sides of the story.

In other words, he doesn't care what the issue is, just that he hears both sides of the stories. So let's try that with a different issue, slightly substituting a couple of words in his statement:

Look, whether or not the earth is flat is not an issue I'm interested in debating. You likely feel passionately one way or another. But for goodness sakes, if there are two sides of the issue, then I should be hearing both sides of the story.

I will be forwarding him the latest edition of the Journal of the Flat Earth Society shortly, since obviously he wants to hear the other side of what scientists claim is a decided issue. What do those pesky scientists know, anyhow? Besides, I found Dr. Ruthen Van Fogelhorn, a geology professor at West Kansas State Community College And Day Care Center who says (thanks to the Flat Earth Society's $500 research grant to him) that the notion of a round earth is just plain balderdash! Why does the MSM only give us one side of the flat earth debate?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

With props to Coeruleus


  1. There are at least two sides to every issue--until the facts are known. After that, there's only one side.

  2. Well, isn't the earth flat? Look at pictures of the earth. It's a flat disk. God could fling us like a fucking Frisbee if He wanted. This "roundness" or "globular" theory is just that: a theory.

  3. Exactly! Teach the controversy!

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  4. It's flat so it can rest more readily on the back of the turtle that is standing on the four elephants...I thought EVERYONE knew that!


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