Monday, February 26, 2007

Congratulations to Al Gore!

He won an Oscar last night for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Well, technically the director and producers won the Oscar, but as the director said when handing the statue to Al, "It's his film."

This was a big win for Al because the competition for best documentary was stiff this year. There was a *ton* of good documentaries in 2006. Also nominated this year for best documentary were "Deliver Us from Evil," about a pedophile priest, "Jesus Camp," about brainwashing children into being Jesus freaks, and two films about the war in Iraq — "My Country, My Country" and "Iraq in Fragments." All of these are smart and important films. So Al and his director and producers should feel really proud of themselves right now.

I think Al would make a great President. He's smart, he's thoughtful, he's dedicated to public service, and he's already been elected President once (in 2000). He came out against the Iraq war early and has never backed off. Alas, it isn't to be. As Al himself has noted, he just isn't good at politics in the modern era of attack dog politics. He's just too nice a guy to be able to cope with the junkyard dogs of the reich wing noise machine. Of course, he did win once...

- Badtux the Film Penguin


  1. al gore won except in florida where they gave the oscar to jesus camp.

  2. Penguin, we have more pressing problems than Global Warming to worry about. Great Cthulhu has risen from His slumber in the ocean depths near your former home of Antarctica, and will soon devour all humankind (and presumably penguinkind as well.) Why doesn't Mr. Al Gore do a documentary about that?

    Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!


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