Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The state of right-wing punditry

Let's see. Anne Coulter has called for the assassination of Justice Stevens, Bill Clinton (TWICE!), Senator John Murtha, and the entire editorial staff of the New York Times. Bill O'Reilly wanted Michael Kinsley beheaded and wants the entire staff of the United Nations dead. Rush Limbaugh wants all but two liberals to be killed (the two remaining liberals are to be placed in a museum as an example to the public). Pat Robertson and Sean Hannity are of course famous for calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, who, like him or not, was democratically elected as President of Venezuela (hmm, why do right-wingers hate democracy?!). John Derbyshire's column in National Review (2-15-01) said Chelsea Clinton should be killed to make sure she doesn't go into politics.

About the only right wing media personality who has *not* called for the death of someone in that "oh shucks, you know, it'd be great if someone assassinated person X" manner that they use to call for assassinations is Michelle Malkin. She merely wants to intern opponents of Dear Leader as "enemies of the state", indeed, wrote an entire book defending the idea. I suppose that makes her the moral paragon of right-wing punditry. Which says something about right wing punditry, I suppose....

So why do these people still get a national voice in the media? Hmm, oh yeah, that's right. The people they want dead are the same people that Big Oil and Big Media want dead. Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Media Penguin


  1. But the lefties called for Cheney to be blown up, right?

  2. Righhhht.... some guy with a web site somewhere said that.

    Some guy with a web site ain't on national TV every night. Bill O'Reilly is.

    Some guy with a web site ain't on national radio every day. Rush Limbaugh is.

    Why, there's no difference at all between some guy with a web site and Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly. No difference at all, nosirree!

    -- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Life is so very simple in war. You just kill your opponent. These guys like it simple.


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