Monday, February 05, 2007

Russian war tactics

I've been puzzled by the Democrats for the past six years. When they should have been opposing Dear Leader's insane war policies... [crickets]. Even today, when it comes to substantive work to stop Dear Leader's next war... [crickets]. Indeed, Senator Clinton (D-Tel Aviv) even promised AIPAC, "whatever it takes", explicitly not ruling out armed attacks upon Iran if Iran continues efforts towards a nuclear bomb of their own to counter Israel's nuclear arsenal.

Then there's this thing about a non-binding resolution calling for a pullout of troops from Iraq. The Democrats are the majority. They could pass a law requiring Dear Leader to withdraw the troops from Iraq. The shrubbery would either veto it, in which case he owns the war, or not, in which case the Democrats get some political fallout as "the party that lost Iraq" but at least our soldiers aren't dying anymore for no good reason that I can fathom.

Which, I suppose, is a risk that the Democrats simply aren't willing to take -- that Dear Leader might actually sign anti-war legislation that they send to him, and thereby move the onus of the outcome of the Iraq disaster to the Democrats, rather than leaving it with Dear Leader and his sycophantic gang of cronies.

The Democrats, I suspect, are using Russian war tactics here: "Retreat, and wait for winter." There's a long way down for the U.S. to fall, and sooner or later the U.S. Army in Iraq is going to totally collapse due to inadequate training of new recruits, inadequate logistical supply, and attrition upon equipment (the AGT-1500 gas turbines in the M1 tank, for example, are completely and utterly worn out with no spares left, and the assembly line to make them was dismantled and sold for scrap fifteen years ago during the Bush I administration). An attack upon Iran will even further hasten that. Even without an Iran attack, the enormous budget deficits being run up by the Bushevik regime will sooner or later bankrupt the nation as the Chinese and other debtors call in their debts. So the Democrats are waiting for Republican mismanagement to so totally and utterly destroy the nation that the Republican Party and Republican ideals will be discredited for a generation, as when Herbert Hoover's disasterous Presidency caused a generation of Democratic domination of national politics. The Democrats, in other words, are waiting for winter -- the perfect storm that destroys Republican aspirations for a generation.

Thing is, if/when winter hits, *we're* the poor fuckers who are going to be out in the cold, not the Democratic elite, who, like their brethren in the Republican elite, will be out in the cold when hell freezes over. Well, unless we do a French Revolution gig on them and hold a few necktie parties, anyhow...

-- Badtux the Non-Russian Penguin


  1. ...heh...great minds think alike...

  2. I really hope people in power aren't that callous. I need a drink.

  3. i have no idea what the dems are doing. i don't think they are smart or wise enough to use russian tactics (which also involved burning crops and whole cities as they retreated so that when "general winter" made his appearance on the field the enemy was hungry and unsheltered). i think they are running scared like the bitchez they are.

  4. you have enlighten my mind...thanks for these words -- they speak so much truth!

    as i've said -- be a man rich and white -- it matters not what color they wear -- red or blue!

  5. Well, M-B, the Dems hardly have to burn crops and whole cities behind them as they retreat, when the Repubs are doing it for them! You talk about how the Dems aren't smart. But the Repubs ain't exactly a brain trust either.


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