Wednesday, May 04, 2011

War porn

So I understand that the Deathers are shouting, "Show us pictures of dead Osama bin Laden!". Uhm, no. Just no. If you want to verify that OBL is dead, there's plenty of ways to do so -- the most important being independent verification from people who are *NOT* the Obama administration. Navy Seals saw him die. His wife and remaining son saw him die. Plenty of people supposedly saw him die. If these people who supposedly saw him die all say they saw him die, well. Good 'nuff for me, just as I believed Bush when he said OBL pulled off 9/11 because once you got things verified from multiple sources, it's pretty damn hard to fake that shit.

But photographs? Dude. Photographs are so easy to fake it ain't even funny and they don't prove shit. There's only one reason to demand photographs of dead and bloody OBL, and that's to jack off to them. What, Deathers, you folks don't have porn shops in your towns? Sheesh!

-- Badtux the Rude Penguin


  1. They're not satisfied with the stuff on the Internet -- it could be photoshopped. But if Obama releases pix, it happened. Or something like that....

  2. ... and there's that little bit of the "conspiracy" where we'd have to have bin Laden's cooperation...

    You know, if he wanted to prove he was alive and free, I think he'd have some way of doing that. And motivation.

    But if he was secretly captured and alive in an American black prison... how is that worse than him being dead?

    It's like the lunar landing "conspiracy" which would necessitate the cooperation of the USSR in humiliating itself.

  3. Marc, yeah, like when Obama personally released his long-form birth certificate that made the birthers believe he was really born in Hawaii. NOT!

    Nangls, and there's also the part of the conspiracy where you had the locals Twittering "What's those helicopters? OMG what's that big BOOM? WTF what's all that SHOOTING in our quiet little town?!" as the operation was going down, and where somehow the tail of a Blackhawk helicopter ended up parked outside the house in question, and where one of the Pakistani policemen who arrived first took a cameraphone video and photos of the carnage inside and sold them to one of the UK tabloids that then actually published them. Clearly *something* happened there. The simplest explanation, and thus the most likely according to Occam's Razor, is that what happened there was what in fact was announced -- we got OBL.

  4. It's to the nation's honor etc.... that the marine's didn't make a wind-chime outta the ears and front teeth to decorate Camp Gettum Good... or something.

  5. For the record, I enjoy porn just as much as the next pervert. But my idea of porn has never included visuals of guys with gaping head wounds with blood and brain tissue seeping out of them. That's necrophilia. That's not good enough to qualify as porn.

    The difference between them? I think Oscar Wilde said it best: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Those of us who are looking at the stars want nothing to do with necrophilia -- we just enjoy being in the gutter now and then. :-)

    My 2 cents...

  6. I'm all FOR publication of gory Osama photos. Not because I believe the bastard wasn't killed. And not because of some sense of triumphalism. Just because the photos represent The Truth.

    Let The Truth come out, as nasty as it is. Let people all over the world see what war and assassination looks like. I think the world should have more sickening images rubbed in its face, more TV footage of bloody, wounded adults and children screaming in pain. If it's in the back of everybody's mind all the time that THIS is the result of the destruction that our leaders so casually unleash, maybe there would be more resistance to warlike officials.

    Osama's death photos are going to come out anyway, leaked by someone within the U.S. government. Obama's just playing coy, so he can have his deniability -- "Look, I didn't revel in the terrorist's death" -- and get the gloat out at the same time. Wait for it. The only thing I question is whether the administration is going to wait for conspiracy theorist "Deathers" (I still prefer "Bodders") to gain momentum with their lunacy before putting proof in their faces to show them up like he did with the long-form birth certificate, or if the leak will emerge on its own.

    And BTW, fcuk the supposed "sensitivity to Muslim feelings" issue. That's the culture that put out beheading videos and all the jihadi porn of IEDs blowing up U.S. vehicles. Sure, not every Muslim was cheering those, but plenty watched. Let those who like it see another angle on the carnage.

  7. I don't know that I can support that approach, Bukko. "An eye[socket] for an eye[socket] leaves everyone blind[sided]..."

    You are of course right that the pics (if indeed the camera worked, contrary to rumors) will turn up on the 'net at some point. If it's just snuff video people want, they can probably find a hundred fakes out there already... there are plenty of sickos out there to supply them.

    But I see no constructive purpose in releasing the photos. They change nothing in the real world: OBL is dead (or he isn't); he was shot in the head in his room (or he wasn't); his replacement is in training right now (or he isn't), etc.

    An old friend of mine quotes a saying allegedly from Missouri: "Don't trouble trouble 'til trouble troubles you." Publishing those pics seems to me like troubling trouble... big-time.


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