Monday, May 09, 2011


This is a bunch of Aussies living in Austin, Texas. They're The Greencards, they play something sort of country, sort of bluegrass, sort of folk, and this is "Rivertown".

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. I like it! With their four different flavors of instruments and their "division" style of improv, they are like a modern version of a 16th-century Thomas Morley broken consort.

    Given their origin and their current residence, shouldn't they rename themselves The Austies?

  2. Actually, checking the Wikipedia page, Steve, it's now two Aussies and two Americans but was originally two Aussies and an Englishman. They also seem to have relocated from Austin to Nashville. I guess my info was outdated :). The name of the band is of course a semi-humorous statment about the immigration status of the original membership.

    In any event, they're not only talented musicians but also ultra-nice people. At least that's what Sarah Jarosz says. Of course, anybody who wouldn't be ultra-nice to Sarah Jarosz probably kicks puppies for entertainment...

    - Badtux the Music Penguin

  3. "Of course, anybody who wouldn't be ultra-nice to Sarah Jarosz probably kicks puppies for entertainment..."

    Dick Cheney?

    No, that's not quite it... Cheney EATS puppies for entertainment...

    I know Nashville is the big time, but I'd have to be convinced to give up Austin. Every few years I thought about moving there myself, back in the days when I could think of moving...

    I haven't heard Sarah Jarosz, but she is easy on the eyes.

  4. Easy on the eyes in what way? She's not skinny. She's not blond. She has a big nose. She looks like a regular young woman, not like a swimsuit model or something. And she's an ultra nice and friendly person, who happens to be both smart and talented without having the ego that a lot of smart and talented people have. I've seen her interacting with the older players on the bluegrass circuit and you can practically see her tail wag, being mean to her would be like kicking a puppy.

    I guess I'll have to post more of her music, which *is* her music -- you can tell it was written by a teenager, a talented teenager but still a teenager, unlike the "teen stars" whose music was "written" by them (as in, they tossed an idea at their stable of professional songwriters, who then turned it into a polished song). Check back tomorrow, today is Townes van Zandt and *nothing* displaces Townes van Zandt.

    - Badtux the Music Penguin

  5. "She's not skinny. She's not blond. She has a big nose. She looks like a regular young woman, not like a swimsuit model or something. And she's an ultra nice and friendly person, who happens to be both smart and talented without having the ego that a lot of smart and talented people have."

    What more could one ask? Big nose - OK. Blonde or not - OK. Ego on the moderate but not excessive side - OK. And I don' want no swimsuit model.

    Francis Bacon, centuries ago, wrote, "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." It's as true today as it was back then. It's one of many reasons I stick with Stella.


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