Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Free Market Fairy hates healthcare

Left: The Free Market Fairy scowls. Apparently the Free Market Fairy (who looks suspiciously like Milton Friedman in drag) hates healthcare, and if we get the same right to health care that workers in every other industrialized nation gets, the Free Market Fairy will quit waving her (his?) magic wand around and making the economy go and stuff, and then we'll all be sorry. Or something like that.

Hey, it doesn't have to make sense, because the person who said this was MSNBC tool and teabagger extraordinaire Jim Cramer. Yes, that Jim Cramer, the dude who was shouting "Buy! Buy! Buy!" about housing just as it was all going to hell in a handbasket, a.k.a. the world's dumbest "financial advisor". So on the one hand markets always find the right price for everything and are perfectly efficient and rational, and on the other hand, they're so irrational that getting the same right to health care that every other nation has will destroy the markets? Dude. Just looking at that Free Market Fairy, I somehow don't think she (he?) is that fragile...

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Geeze -

    I'd think a little credit would be in order here.


  2. Maybe I'm just a sadist, but I love to make the Free Market Fairy cry.


  3. I'm sure everybody knows you're the one who suggested that the Free Market Fairy looks sorta like Milton Friedman in drag, Jazz :). On the other hand, at least give me credit for finding her (his?) photograph on the interwebs, heh!

    - Badtux the Easily Amused Penguin

  4. And I was searching for Cramer's big, sweat-streaked face inside of that costume.

    Thanks for the image.


  5. Thanks for the link. As far as who the Free Market Fairy really is: There were all sorts of rumors that Kenneth Lay didn't really die, and I had this zany idea that maybe...


  6. Whoa! That Free Market Fairy looks like it would take a fusillade of silver bullets to put her (him?) down.

  7. yes, m'dear, pr flack for Cigna turned whistleblower would agree with you --

  8. Tux -

    Absolutely. High marks for finding the pic.



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