Thursday, March 25, 2010

And fat goth chicks dance

Amy Lee ("Evanescence"), unlike most of the young pop tart types, actually can sing, though this encore, where she's pretty much run her voice out of gas, probably isn't the best proof of that. This one is "Whisper" off of the first album, Fallen, when Evanescence was an actual band rather than being Amy Lee. For some odd reason Christian music types thought Evanescence was a Christian band, and touted their music highly, until Amy and Ben came out and said, "WTF is wrong with you people? Yeah, the themes might be the same as some Christian music, but what's that got to do with it?" At which point Evanescence became persona non grata in the Christian music scene ;-).

Oddly enough, given what I've earlier mentioned about how many redheads there are in rock music right now, Amy Lee's natural hair color is a reddish-brown. I find it somewhat giggle-inspiring that all the black-haired Asian girls around here are bleaching their hair into a reddish color, while a lot of people with reddish hair are dying theirs black... talk about the perversity of the female race!

-- Badtux the Music Penguin


  1. Well, they are a species of human.


  2. Of course, red-haired people try to disguise their natural hair coloring. After all, we don't want the rest of you catching on to the fact that we have no souls, now do we?

  3. If you think that is fat, I'd like to introduce you to Mo'nique.


  4. Or did you mean that 2 seconds of the fat goth girl in the audience at 3:09?

    The longer the song goes, the more spend Amy sounds. "The show is over." Definitely time to call it a night.


  5. Yeah, I was talking about the audience, Jazz. Amy was pretty much normal-sized in this video. But Evanescence concerts attracted a huge crowd of fat goth girls, they were like a fat goth girl gathering. WTF, I guess even people dressed like undertakers and vampires need entertainment...


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