Friday, August 05, 2011

The sad reality

The sad reality of life for a cat-owned penguin:

I get to sleep in that little area on the right where the pillows are piled.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. That's not sad, as a cat-owned human, I'd say that being allowd even a small place on their bed is a very great compliment.

  2. It could be worse. This morning my dog laid down on the pillow next to me and farted. I've never had a cat do that to me ;)

  3. I have to find a spot between a Saint Bernard that loves to sleep on his back and two to three cats that alternate during the night.
    As well as my partner.
    Your place looks really roomy to me.

  4. Ah, but it's what they do when you're asleep that counts. One of my cats (the 17-pounder)likes to knead my legs at night using all four feet. This is accompanied by chewing on the bedcovers and purring loudly.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yes. I am, alas, allergic to cats.

    -- Badtux the Sneezing Penguin

  7. Looks like Yin, Yang, and pillows for Yawn

  8. Alergic to Cats !!!
    Oh Noes !
    I admit sharing my pillow with a lightly snoring pursian haired cat does sort of affect me but not more than hair in my face and nose and eyes.
    If you love your beasts as I do I then feel very sorry for you.

  9. Allergic to katz? Who woulda thunk it? You must be a sound sleeper. I'm not. No cat will sleep with me for fear of getting rolled-upon. And the perpetually hungry boykat waits until he can sense from my breathing pattern that I'm awake before he starts tapping my face in the morning to remind me that it's time to disgorge some hospital food leftovers from where I've grabbed them up in a medical glove so that he can eat.

  10. w3, antihistamines help alot, but not 100%.

    Bukko, your cats must be small. My guys are 18 pounders. Rolling over onto them isn't feasible since I'd need to be the size of a sumo wrestler to accomplish that. That said, Mencken usually sleeps in that area where the tissue box is located, while TMF usually sleeps at my feet. Though TMF usually relocates himself to my upper torso near morning, so that he can stick his cold wet nose into my face and demand that I get up and feed him. (Though I don't feed him, since I have the robot that does that now, but he still insists on the wet-nose-in-face treatment, sigh!).

    - Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

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  12. Stupidity deleted.

    - Badtux the Banhammer Penguin

  13. That's a lotta stupidity down the memory troll!

  14. Yah, I was gonna jerk the moron's chain a bit more, then post links to photos previously posted on this blog showing the item in question all over my home -- on the dining room table, on the kitchen counter, on the futon, by the computer, by the musical instruments in the music room -- and accuse him of being a dirty-minded old man who probably accosts young schoolgirls at bus stops, but then realized I had better things to do with my time. Banhammer. Blam.

    - Badtux the Busy Penguin


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