Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back from nature recharge

Regular posting resumes tomorrow. After all, the Iowa straw poll happened, which is always a reliable source of hilarity.

-- Badtux the Relaxing Penguin


  1. After you do your take, come and see mine.


  2. Camping light. Works real good!

  3. JzB, I already saw yours, but stupidity this deep needs more pointing and laughing :).

    One Fly, everything I need for a one-week trip is in that one plastic bin, other than food and water (food lives in a bear canister, water is that blue cube you see plus plastic water bottles like get sold with "spring water" in them at the grocery store but which haven't had the OEM water in them for eons). I also have a folding chair and a tiny folding table that live in the Jeep for luxury purposes (a chair! while camping! Whoa!). So yeah, I ain't exactly a heavyweight camper, which is good, because a Jeep don't hold much :).

    - Badtux the Returned Penguin

  4. Just about identical to me BT except that I sleep in the Element. Just the other day a friend gave me a tent that if I stay in a place for more than a day I will set it up. I need to get out there again very soon. It has been difficult as of late.

  5. The Jeep is, alas, too small to sleep in. Otherwise I'd do it when I was going fast/light because even though that's a fast-setup single wall tent, it still takes around 10 minutes to break it down, pack it up, etc., not to mention letting it dry in the morning after it gets all dew-covered at night. Makes it hard to stealth camp when you have to wait for sunlight to bake your tent for a while before you can break it down :(.

  6. Well, screw the politics, I'm heading back to the boondocks for four days tomorrow.

    Rick left Sunday for the opal fields in Nevada, removed the back seat from his Bronco and then filled it with so much stuff for just a one week trip that there's no way he has room to sleep in it.

    A good solution is a small light weigh trailer with a tallish pickup canopy on it to sleep in.

    I was given such a canopy, going to use it to put on my Dakota for some trips, dragging the 5th wheel everywhere uses too much gas and I can't take the boat.

  7. BTW, your little campsite looks very much like it's here at the Lyre River campground.

  8. BBC, I thought about a small camping trailer. Adds a hassle backing up out of tight spots though. Whole point of the Jeep is to be mobile to get to spots that regular folk can't get to (though this isn't one of them -- regular passenger cars would have no trouble getting to this particular spot).

    I've been trying to think of some way to make a slide-out platform of some sort to create a compartment long enough to sleep in. Drape bug netting over the liftgate, and voila. So far nothing but vague ideas though.

  9. Tell us how the crackers worked out! What recipe did you use?

  10. Used the soda bread recipe (the thicker softer ones). They worked fine with chili. Didn't try it with anything else.

  11. That is a beautiful site.

  12. You can't begin to imagine, Lynn. That wasn't the best site at the campground, just the best site left. Some of the other sites had rock gardens behind them (of the Sierra Nevada kind, not the Japanese kind) and were so absolutely beautiful that I was kicking myself for not leaving home at 5AM to get there before they got taken. Oh well, it's not like I spent much time in camp anyhow, there was other things to do, like go Jeeping around the countryside and seeing some really *spectacular* views :).

    - Badtux the Nature-appreciatin' Penguin

  13. I went camping in a place called "Mono Hot Springs" once that was kind of like that. Also lots of lakes for swimming and hot springs of course. California is a beautiful state.


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