Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Know your fairies

You've already met the Free Market Fairy, who solves all economic problems via waving of her (his?) magic wand that sprinkles Free Market Fairy Dust over everything:

Well, meet today's fairy, the Austerity Fairy, who creates jobs magically via application of the Austerity Wand (being held):

I don't think I need to tell you where said Austerity Wand is actually applied to the general public, good and hard...

-- Badtux the Snarky Economics Penguin


  1. To use the Austerity Wand properly, you must say the magic words:

    "Bend Over"

  2. Indeed, you got the gist of that one immediately ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Economics Penguin

  3. My God, who took that picture of me back in the commune days? I'll take royalties to ease the austerity situation.

  4. The English, having learned the hard way from this fairy, are casting about for their own wands.

  5. Could I get a side of Vaseline with that wand?

  6. If the Austerity Fairy gets too close, I'm going to test if the 'wand' works on him too.

  7. Excellent new fairy! It should be a meme!

  8. Dave: Nope, the Austerians claim that only if you take your austerity neat will the Wand of Austerity applied by the Austerity Fairy magically create jobs. Anything that could possibly make you more comfortable will make the Austerity Fairy cry and you won't get more jobs.

    Vilstef, you haven't seen the Austerity Fairy's "helpers", who tend to resemble large, mobile weapons lockers. You will take your Wand of Austerity straight as ordered by your betters, citizen!

    Bukko, certainly the intent ;). I keep asking Austerians how austerity will create jobs, they mumble something about capital investment (say wha? When Apple Computer has more money in the bank than the U.S. Treasury, they claim there's a shortage of investment capital?!). So clearly there is a surplus of magical thinking at hand, and what's more magical than a magic fairy with a magic wand? But of course picking the correct image was key. I needed something that properly represented the prehistoric economic thinking of the Austerians, and whose wand had sufficient kinks in it to make the... application... of said wand to the appropriate receptacle of the unwilling public clearly and visibly painful. I think I succeeded admirably in my quest to find the agent via which Austerians' vaunted austerity will create jobs -- behold the Austerity Fairy!

    - Badtux the Snarky Economics Penguin

  9. It's a perfect image. Is that Eric Cantor under all that fur?


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