Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Michelle Bachmann and the Message from God

Michelle Bachmann opened her crazy trap and opined that the recent East Coast earthquake and hurricane were a message from God.

Dear Michelle: If God is omnipotent enough to send an earthquake or a hurricane to "send a message", why can't He just send an email or an IM or even a Twitter tweet? What, the keys on these keyboards are too small for His big giant omnipotent God fingers or something? But... but He's GOD, right? He can just *create* him some little fingers to press the keys if he wants to, right? I mean, you're sayin' that He can create the world, and dwarfs, and everything else in it, but He can't even send a fucking TEXT MESSAGE?

Lame, dude. Just sayin'.

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. He could take over the EBS and broadcast a message on every freaking TV channel. after all, He had no trouble directly communicating with Moses.

    Bachmann is a moron. She's not electable, which is why Little Dubya has vaulted to the front of the pack.

  2. He could even cure Mr. Bachmann of his "Gayness". Because if he ain't, Gay, then God misfired on that one.
    "The Bachmann Clinic" great name for a Gay dating service I guess. LOL

  3. Self respecting gays don't get cured. Forging an authentic identity is no work for sissies.

  4. Someone asked Crazy Michelle if she'd submit to her husband like the Old Testament sez to. After dodging around a while she finally said sure, but to her "submit" meant "respect". What she *really* meant, I'm sure, is that she doesn't actually have a husband -- she has a wife.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. Strap-ons are ambidextrous.

  6. Don't you mean "am-bi-dick-trous"?

  7. ......and why did He (she) knock those angels off the National Cathedral ???

  8. Send a text message?

    He can't actually write;
    note even His own name.
    After all, he signs with a cross ;-)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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