Thursday, May 19, 2005

Thursday Penguin Porn Blogging

As you all know, AT&T refused to give me my penguin porn. That's why I have been forced by those meanies at AT&T to go Google for my own penguin porn. Googling this morning, I came across these rotund beauties:

Oooh, look at the rotund lovers cuddling and kissing! And their two rather stern-looking bodyguards there to keep the hoi poloi like you and I from interrupting their gropefest! Aren't they just beautiful? Makes a penguin's flippers flap in appreciation!

-- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin


  1. You filthy heathen satanist liberal islamofascistjihadisthajji! I'm telling Homeland Security and James Dobson on you! Let's see if you can get your deviant penguin porn on in ABU GHRAIB, COMMIE! ARGGGH!!!

    BTW, lurve the blog.

  2. Say what you will about penguin porn -- it beats all hell out of looking at photos of mutilated Iraqi civilians.


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