Thursday, May 12, 2005

Power grows from the barrel of a gun

In which I will explain why George W. Bush doesn't give a **** that many of his policy proposals are disliked by a majority of the people... Just a hint of the next essay to come, about protest, voting, and the nature of power from an anarcho-Libertarian point of view.

In the meantime, I suggest you cogitate upon Chairman Mao's famous statement "power grows out of the barrel of a gun", and discuss what exactly that means in the context a somewhat-democratic nation like the United States. How many divisions the Pope has, the IRS, police, courts, the concept of the State as "that body which has a monopoly upon deadly force", the equivalence of money and guns, and the civil rights movement of the 1950's and early 1960's all will figure into the final essay, even though it'll probably be Saturday before I finish it (sigh, just TOOO many things happening at work right now).

And finally: My facile dismissal of the morals, accomplishments, and intestinal fortitude of the Baby Boomers struck a nerve amongst my five readers. This topic deserves better than the rather snarky and dismissive comments that I've earlier made. What do I consider to be the core "Boomer Generation"? What differentiates them from other generations, and is there even really a difference? Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement and its decay, Clinton, Enron, and Bush all will be up in the air. Coming next week (maybe)... if we don't have any more disasters at work like the last two weeks (sigh!).

- Badtux the Philosophical Penguin


  1. Nicely said. Looking forward to your thoughts via the electronic highway. You might have a tad more than 5 readers, though.
    Keep up the good writing. Real power comes from the minds of all of us, somehow connected by this amazing internets thing.

  2. SIX! I gravitated here a while ago from Hairy Fish Nuts.

  3. But it doesn't make you a bad penguin.

    Anyway, I agree with you most of the time, if not on the boomer thing.


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