Monday, May 16, 2005

Every life is precious

Until it's born. Then it's just garbage to dump in the woods or allow to die for lack of health insurance. Remember, life is only a right for the unborn. After that, who cares?

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. "If you don't have money, you deserve to die." -Rethuglican mantra, from the book of St.Ronnie.

  2. Oh my dear waddling fish-eater, you came close to hitting the herring on the head, but not quite. You should have mentioned that, while governor of Texas, George Bush signed a bill into law that allowed hospitals to terminate patient care and allow the patient to die if the patient could not pay the bill. This year a baby of less than one year in age was allowed to die under exactly those circumstances, and not long after Terri Schiavo's death, by the way, AGAINST the wishes of the parents.

    I would mention irony, but somehow the irony pales in the face of such a travesty.

    If Congress had simply made an appropriation of what amounts to a couple of hundred thousand dollars they could have saved that baby's life.


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