Monday, May 30, 2005

In memory

Today is a day for remembering those who have died in defense of their country.

But there is another group of men and, now, women, that we should remember on this day. This group of men and women is growing every day now. I am talking about, of course, the many American soldiers who have died not to protect us, but to feed the egos of small and evil men.

I find it hard to believe in God, for these soldiers are dead, while the slime who threw away their lives for the most petty of reasons are still alive or, if dead, died peaceably of old age. If there were a just God, LBJ would have been struck down by lightning the day he walked onto the television stage and lied America into a war we had no business fighting, and George W. Bush would have been turned into a pile of steaming ashes somewhere in 1968 when he used his father's political connections to dodge the draft by taking the National Guard slot of the man who died in his place in Vietnam. But George W. Bush will die in his sleep as an old man, as did LBJ. TANJ, indeed...

If the God that the President talks to endorses what Bush has done, that is not a God that I wish to worship. I prefer the Great Penguin if that's true. At least the Great Penguin merely demands that his subjects sacrifice herring to His holy rotundness and embrace their Inner Penguin, rather than requiring the blood of brave American boys and girls as the sacrifice to His holy eminence.

-- Badtux the Remembering Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I'm positive that the God Bush "talks to" exists solely in Bush's stilted imagination. All the same, I find it impossible to reconcile the 1,600+ dead American soldiers, tens of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians, and Lucifer knows how many injured with the idea of an omnibenevolent deity. The existence of evil is real to me, and I readily say so -- where's the accountability for this evil?

    I'd also like to believe that one reaps what one sows. But it's been close to 2,000 years, and the meek have yet to inherit the earth -- in fact, the meek have yet to show even the slightest damn sign of inheriting the earth. Maybe John Brown was right: the crimes of this guilty land will only be purged away with blood. But I really hate to think that he's right; that would force me to give up completely on humankind, and I don't ever want to do that...


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