Tuesday, March 15, 2005

That sound... freeper head exploding...

A majority of Americans say the war in Iraq is not worth the cost. "The public sees some benefits of the war — but more for Iraq than for the United States, and, for many, not enough to justify its costs. Seven in 10 in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll call the level of U.S. casualties in Iraq unacceptable, and 53 percent, on balance, say the war was not worth fighting."

Hmm, as an opponent of this war I was often called a "liberal anti-American communist" by the freeper scum despite the fact that this penguin is a very well armed LIBERTARIAN (as in, small government, personal liberty, no wars of foreign aggression, etc., dig?). I am glad to say that now this penguin is part of the REAL moral majority.

Which just leaves one question for the Freepers to answer before I start whacking them with the rotting herring again: If disagreeing with this war is "hating America", why do the majority of Americans hate America?

BOOM! Sorry about the mess, folks, that was just freeper head exploding... WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK bad freeper, messing up my nice little iceberg with your messy little room-temperature-IQ brains! Five lashes with a rotting herring for you!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. That the majority of the residents of this country fail to support the worthy, treasury draining imitation of a twentieth century Central or Latin American dirty war that our government is conducting in Iraq simply shows what a misnomer the tag 'Americans' is. A careful look into these people's backgrounds will reveal that they are not the spawn of this country, but descendants of Europeans. Worse still, many of them derive from Old European stock. I say it's time for these disloyal carpetbaggers to be invited to return to their ancestor's lands of origin, where their lilly livered, left-looking thought will find the support of like minded individuals. Then, this country can return to the control of the kind of forward looking people who founded it, the kind of people who neither questioned the ever-wise policies of their government or shrank from the deeds that had to be done, be that the dessemination of smallpox infected blankets or the execution of women and children first.


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