Thursday, March 24, 2005

But we're the good guys, really!

From The 18 Minute Gap:

Number of prisoners who have died in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan within the past three years, mostly from "violent causes": 108.

Number of POWs who died in North Vietnamese custody during the entire Vietnam war(nine years): 114

Obviously, we need better torturers. Ours seem to be killing three times more prisoners per year than North Vietnam's torturers.

Hold it, wasn't North Vietnam supposed to be evil, and the United States supposed to be good? Oh, nevermind, that was in the 20th century. This here's the 21st century, bay-bee! Booyah, let's find us some more prisoners to torture to death, evil is FUN!

Yessirree, we're the good guys. Really. (Wink wink!).

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. What about those who have just 'vanished'? Never ever forget the MIA's.
    Never forget the system which you curse has enabled you to voice an opinion. Notice the semantics; enabled verses 'allowed'.
    Change can only come about through involvement. Verbalizing is nice, it shows you can process ideas. Actually (physically) supporting someone who can make those changes a reality; now, that is a concept!


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