Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Girl Scouts: Evil beings?

I was withdrawing money from the ATM near a local grocery store when I looked towards the store and... awwwwe! The cutest little girl was standing there in a green smock and her long blond hair streaming in the wind, in front of a huge pile of Girl Scout cookies! Awwwwe...

So here I am, twenty dollars lighter and twenty pounds heavier, wondering this: Are Girl Scouts spawn of Satan, or spawn of some lesser demon? Because surely only pure Evil could have created such devestating cuteness on the part of a little pixie Girl Scout just calculated to lighten one's wallet and fatten one's waistband!

Note: While penguins like herring, penguins also like Thin Mint cookies... anybody want to buy $10 worth of cookies? Oh nevermind, by the time you get around to answering I will have already gobbled them up anyhow :-}

- Badtux the now-fatter Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Ah hell, there ain't nothin' wrong with getting fat on Girl Scout cookies. When was the last time you read about a fat Girl Scout cookie-lover murdering every member of his immediate family? How many fat Girl Scout cookie-lovers do you know who rape altar boys? Show me a guy getting fat on Girl Scout cookies, I'll show you a guy who isn't flying terror suspects to other countries to be brutally tortured. Just musing...


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