Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Terrorist Alert: Report this man to DHS!

WARNING: The man in the left is a dangerous terrorist. He is suspected of destroying U.S. missile defenses and insulting our Great Leader's new pet darkie by refusing to sign on to a missile defense system that can't get off the ground. He is to be considered armed (with the entire armed forces of Canada -- all five mounties and four rusty submarines worth) and dangerous (to himself and his Prime Minister).

The man on the left goes by the alias "Bill Graham" and claims to be the defense minister of the Commonwealth of Canada, but my sources in the Department of Homeland Security say that he's actually Mohammed bin Laden, Osama bin Laden's second cousin, and is actually in charge of al Qaeda's Canadian operations. All DHS security personnel have been given permission to shoot on sight, if they can get the bullet out of their pocket into their gun without shooting their foot.

Remember: Canada is the REAL Axis of Evil. If we do not invade Canada now, they will pelt us with poutine and KILL US ALL!

- Badtux the Sarcastic Penguin

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