Friday, March 11, 2005

Snarky penguin outsnarked *again*

The Snarky Penguin was about to comment on the new Kumbayah Report, Corrente beat him to it with a pithy snark that this penguin cannot out-snark:

Those "few bad apples" bob back to the surface as the Defense Department and Congress turn their backs, join hands and sing Kumbayah:

"A top investigator ordered by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to look into abuses at Abu Ghraib and other military detention facilities laid blame at the feet of individual troops and their commanders, but not top-level officials and policy-makers."

Note: No officials were hurt in the investigation of these crimes.


- Badtux the out-snarked Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Outsnarked? The Elderly Snarky Penguine? N'est pas? The penguin was involved in serious snark here and on the side of his Auntie Krist Bush, George.

    Oy. Props to the flippered one.

    . . . i will believe the war is over . . . it's over . . . it's over The Immortal Phil Ochs


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