Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The lessons of 2010

  1. The way to win elections is to stamp your feet petulantly and shout "No!" at the top of your voice, like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
  2. The way to win elections is to swamp the airwaves with lies funded by billions of dollars in monies laundered through bogus "foundations" created by and funded by an unelected group of oligarchs.
All well and good, if your goal is to get mommy to buy you some candy or to win elections, rather than the betterment of the United States of America. Unfortunately, gridlock and lies are not going to solve the problems our nation has. They will only get worse. But I guess that doesn't matter to Republicans, as long as they win elections.

But then, it's only what America and Americans deserve for deserting logic and reason in exchange for unthinking faith in talking points and "everybody knows". As I explained to someone predicting Kerry was going to win in 2004 (I accurately predicted Bush the Lesser would win), "50% of Americans are below average... and average ain't so smart anymore." In the end we as a people get the government we deserve. Alas.

- Badtux the Cynical Penguin
Note -- it's just coincidence that the depressing Townes van Zandt song got scheduled for today. These things get scheduled way in advance...


  1. Below average is too kind. Them there teevee ads shore do work.

  2. It's going to be a good time for death in America. If you're old, sick, disabled or don't have a job, go starve and die, motherfucker. He who does not work, does not eat.

    In a way, a bad way, I'm happy. I've gotten increasingly bitter and angry. Mrs. Bukko and I had a good thing going in the U.S.; our consciences caused us to leave due to the evil of the Cheney murder regime, and now we see the American people rushing to restore the same bastards that fucked things up before. Cheating aside -- my wife is convinced that Americans are not so stupid as to massively return Repukes to power -- there are a lot of people who embraced the fascists. So my spiteful side says "Fuck 'em."

    Let these fuckers starve when they lose their job. No socialist unemployment checks for you, bitchez. If you're old and you don't have $50,000 for a hip replacement operation when you fall and break yours, lay in your bed and die in pain, granny. No socialist Medicare for you. If you weren't smart enough to get rich, die in the cold when you get old, gramps. Your faction doesn't want you to have Socialist Security. If you're a comfortable burgher, I will say "ha ha" when you get robbed by some desperate person at the end of their rope, or when your child gets shot in a public massacre because an angry loser decides to take some random strangers with them when they die.

    Fuck you people. You voted for this. Die in austerity, fuckwits. The same goes for the smirking jackals of the media, whose post-election jabberings I'm watching right now. You're going to lose your jobs and go to scavenging in dumpsters as the economy goes down and your newspaper/TV station eliminates you. You deserve it.

    Sorry about the rest of yez Tux, Jazz, Nunya and other intelligent Americans. Brace yourselves. Learn how to grow food. Find a circle of friends who can help you get by what's coming, and who you can help with whatever abilities you possess. I reckon the American population is going to decline by 100 million in the next generation. My wish is that none of you dies before what should have been your time.

  3. It's going to be a good time for death in America. If you're old, sick, disabled or don't have a job, go starve and die, motherfucker. He who does not work, does not eat.

    In a way, a bad way, I'm happy. I've gotten increasingly bitter and angry. Mrs. Bukko and I had a good thing going in the U.S.; our consciences caused us to leave due to the evil of the Cheney murder regime, and now we see the American people rushing to restore the same bastards that fucked things up before. Cheating aside -- my wife is convinced that Americans are not so stupid as to massively return Repukes to power -- there are a lot of people who embraced the fascists. So my spiteful side says "Fuck 'em."

    Let these fuckers starve when they lose their job. No socialist unemployment checks for you, bitchez. If you're old and you don't have $50,000 for a hip replacement operation when you fall and break yours, lay in your bed and die in pain, granny. No socialist Medicare for you. If you weren't smart enough to get rich, die in the cold when you get old, gramps. Your faction doesn't want you to have Socialist Security. If you're a comfortable burgher, I will say "ha ha" when you get robbed by some desperate person at the end of their rope, or when your child gets shot in a public massacre because an angry loser decides to take some random strangers with them when they die.

    Fuck you people. You voted for this. Die in austerity, fuckwits. The same goes for the smirking jackals of the media, whose post-election jabberings I'm watching right now. You're going to lose your jobs and go to scavenging in dumpsters as the economy goes down and your newspaper/TV station eliminates you. You deserve it.

    Sorry about the rest of yez Tux, Jazz, Nunya and other intelligent Americans. Brace yourselves. Learn how to grow food. Find a circle of friends who can help you get by what's coming, and who you can help with whatever abilities you possess. I reckon the American population is going to decline by 100 million in the next generation. My wish is that none of you dies before what should have been your time.

  4. No one is going to remember any lessons, let alone learning anything.

  5. Ya know, BBC, I gotta agree for a change. You're like a stopped clock, and this is one of the two times per day you were right :).

    One, yep. 2004. That pretty much proved to me that the average American ain't exactly genius material.

    Nuns, there's a reason why the only thing I watch on my TV are Netflix disks and downloads...

    - Badtux the Abusive Penguin

  6. I'm going to put up a post about election results here in Michigan, if I can keep myself from slashing my wrists.

    Actually, the only reason I don't is that it was exactly what I expected.

    We are so fucking god damned fucked,


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