Monday, May 14, 2007

Yes, back in the traces again

The Employer(tm) is paying the penguin an obscene amount of money to hack Linux. So the penguin is back in the traces again. Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho! No no, not the ten dollah type, penguins have a different way of doing things.

Will be back home tonight. The results probably will not be posted until tomorrow though.

Meanwhile, consider the Canadian Quarters of Mass Destruction, which is surely as evil a story as the cowboys of mass destruction one. It's surprising that Canada's dollar coins are called "loonies" when that should more properly apply to our politicians in Washington. We are truly ruled by idiots. Insane idiots, at that.

That is all.

-- Badtux the Working Penguin


  1. Did you find any lint in that navel gazing? And whose navel are you gazing at...because as a penguin you don't have one? I'm just saying!

  2. Well I can tell you that Canadians are being run by loonies too. We are pretty much in the same boat!

    Except that our Prime Minister is brown nosing your President...

    Guess who's getting the better part of the deal here?


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