Saturday, May 05, 2007

I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned

Yeah right, cat. You aren't big boned. Look at those spindly little rear paws on ya. You're fat. And me saying that doesn't make me some mysogonist anti-feminist penguin either, since you're male, so you can just quit whining about how I'm being mean... you're sixteen pounds of fat cat, cat!

Sorry about missing my cat blogging yesterday. Work intervened, and I didn't get home until around 9pm because I needed to get some test cases working over the weekend. As I noted earlier, I recently got a gigantic pay increase and new responsibilities at work and while it's not the sort of environment where I'll be working more than 45 hours a week in a typical week, when stuff needs doing it needs doing.

Hmm, you can see two of my colorful new throw rugs/runners that I found, one at Target and one at Ikea (evil! evil! evil! went in for one thing, came out with $100 of other things including the most luxurious set of sheets that was $45 all by itself!). Hairball season is pretty much over, and the carpet cleaners are coming next week to shampoo my carpets to get the cat yakk out, then I am going to place these things in all the most popular places for my cats to yakk so that hopefully they'll catch the yakk during the fall hairball season when they shed their summer coats and put on their winter coats. I wish I could train them to yakk into their litter box. Sigh. Anyhow, my iceberg is getting more colorful, you'll need sunglasses if it gets any brighter!

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. I almost bought that rug at Ikea in Atlanta a month ago, but I couldn't figure where to put it. Now I realize I could even have hung it on the wall.

    And, we have a 16 pounder, too.

  2. That cat is not fat! He's cute and sweet and all good kitty type things. Oh, wait a minute... 16 pounds? That cat is fat! Heh:)

  3. Definitely time to switch to that low-cal cat chow!

  4. TMF has been on the low-cal cat chow since the day he passed 14 pounds. He's been as heavy as 18 pounds but 16 seems to be the weight he settled on. He steals Mencken's food though. Mencken is rather indifferent when it comes to food, and I have to monitor things closely or Mencken starts losing weight, and he isn't all that fat to begin with.

    Yeah, portion control with two cats in the house sucks :-(.

  5. So how do you keep the yak out of the laundry basket?


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