Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Long Green

A father of a soldier killed in Iraq speaks:

Memorial Day orators will say that a G.I.'s life is priceless. Don't believe it. I know what value the U.S. government assigns to a soldier's life: I've been handed the check. It's roughly what the Yankees will pay Roger Clemens per inning once he starts pitching next month.
Bullshit is just that, bullshit. If you want to know the real value this nation places on anything, the long green tells you the whole story. An old story. Alas.

As for the notion that we have democracy in America, the fact that the Democrats in Congress just gave Bush more money than he wanted to wage war in Iraq, for a war that 72% of Americans oppose, should end that delusion. Follow the money. These people who supposedly "represent" us are bought and paid for servants of the real rulers of America, and do the bidding of the real rulers of America, not us. And the sheeple of the United States, rather than demand democracy and string these goddamned sonofabitches up from the nearest light pole (after a fair trial before a jury of their peers of course!) and install democracy in America, instead... watch American Idol.

Of course.

The Democrats may talk about representing the people. But bullshit is bullshit. The Long Green tells the truth. The Long Green shows the lies. The Long Green is our ruler, and apparently the majority of Americans have no problem with that.

-- Badtux the Dollar Penguin


  1. I would disagree with your characterization of the Democrats in Congress, although I can certainly understand your frustration with the situation. This whole "Democrats in Congress now own the Iraq war" meme is lame at best.

    if you were a Republican strategist, how would you like the public to feel about the Democrats in congress right now? You may being feeling exactly how Karl Rove wants you to feel.

  2. Democrats in Congress don't own the Iraq war now. However, they certainly showed who they listen to. It's not you and me and the rest of the 72-percenters who want this war done and over with. It's the 28-percenters who like the war just fine that they listen to -- specifically, the .001 percenters who buy and pay for them. Who were alarmed that a cutoff of Iraq funds also meant a cutoff of their lucrative juicy mercenary contracts and weapons contracts.

    Al Gore did not become a millionaire off of his Senatorial and Vice Presidential salary...

    Follow the long green. That's what really rules our nation. Even your Apeness likely is ruled by the long green. Even the guy sitting beside the street with a cardboard sign saying "Please Help" and a cup by his hand is ruled by the long green... albeit by less of it than you and I.

    - Badtux the Observant Penguin

  3. I don't see the relevance of the check...that is the governement's attempt to appreciate the life to the best of their ability.

    No matter what the numbers on the check, no dollar value can be placed on human life. If my son had died in War, I could not accept any check to substitute for his place.

    If that man had been handed a check for $1,000,000 or even $1,000,000,000, do you think his grief would have been any less? Sure, he might own a new lamborghini in the driveway...but the point is "the long green" cannot provide any sort of sustinence in the matters of life and death.

    As for your whole bushevik/halliburton bullcrap, I don't even want to get into that. I've been down this road already (sadly, what a mess that was) on a discussion board for English at college, and it wasn't an enjoyable experience.

  4. one party - red and blue = green....

  5. The reason there has to be Democrats is because there are Republicans. It's all about balance because it's all bullshit.

    And both sides are bullshit protecting their own interests.

    "In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin."

    Bullshit, you are a monkey with a Jeep. You like the long green also and don't say you don't.

  6. BBC, I like the long green, just as I like banana pudding and peach cobbler. That isn't the problem. The problem is when the liking moves to addiction. It is possible to eat too much peach cobbler, as amazing as that notion sounds, and it is possible to place more importance upon the long green than upon human beings.


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