Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Grrr furry alarm clock redux...

So it's around 6:30am. The sun is shining outside. The alarm is set for 7:30. I roll over to my right and I'm face to face with Mencken, who is sleeping next to my pillow like he usually does. I roll over on my back, repelled in my sleep by the cold nose and sharp fang. The Mighty Fang decides this means it's time to wake me up to feed him again because he already ate a full day's food (given to him at 8pm last night), and jumps on my chest and starts patting my face with half-extended claws. I growl, no, you are NOT getting any food right now you fat thing! and get up and go use the bathroom and then go back to bed and sleep on my *left* side for the remainder of the time until my alarm goes off.

So I leave you with this catpile to keep you happy on this day of light blogging, since I'm about to pack up my laptop to leave for work... -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

1 comment:

  1. cats can be worse than kids and dogs put together when they're hungry -- i don't know how many times mine have tripped me in the dark when i heard for water in the kitchen at night...smile


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