Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Eat your music

Presenting... The Vegetable Orchestra. After they're finished playing a concert, they eat their musical instruments. Now I've heard of everything.

For L>T, who claims that she is totally "non-musical", get thee to Whistle and Drum and buy the Deluxe Clarke Tin Whistle Handbook, a Clarke Meg tin whistle, and a Walton's Mellow D tin whistle. For less than $30, you may find that you actually CAN learn to play a musical instrument. It's not rocket science, after all. 4th graders can play these whistles. That's just how simple they are.

-- Badtux the Music Penguin

1 comment:

  1. That's what they told me about recorders, too. And, I can even read music. My fingers just don't cooperate though.


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