Tuesday, May 08, 2007

This is what we do with our brain-injured in America

This guy is where all the brain-injured veterans from Iraq are going to be in 20 years time -- homeless, wandering the streets in a daze, eating out of dumpsters and sleeping in them at night, and occasionally getting dumped into a trash truck and (usually) squeezed to death.

Yes, we are such a charitable and Christian nation, to do this to some poor guy who is missing part of his brain due to a gunshot...

-- Badtux the Ashamed Penguin


  1. I've been tripping over homeless vets in San Diego for 25 years. One of the dirty little secrets that San Diego tries to hide from it's tourists by completely ignoring the need for more mass transit. Car rental business is booming. The things is, you actually SEE the homeless when you take public transit here. At least they don't ticket them any more.

  2. that is really sad. Where i live you don't see any homeless people. But when I went to visit my friend in LA recently, Wow! I was quite shocking to me. Limosines & homeless people all together, sorta.

  3. You see brain injured people in America because they are stupid enough to go fight stupid wars for their greedy capitalists and leaders.


    Look at the other side of the picture also.

    You also see plenty of veterans that have great lives and drive SUV's and have nice homes.

    It's all in the mind. Those losers sitting on curbs with a bottle of wine just thought it out differently.

    I'm not discounting how people handle things, but two men in the same unit that go through the same things come back and have completely different lives.

    Some continue to live and prosper and some turn to drugs and booze.

    Don't worry about it, you are paying for those drugs and booze and you don't have to get wrapped up in their little dramas.

  4. Wow, I didn't think I'd ever respond to one of BBC's mindless rants, but I'll have to say something.

    Dude, haven't you ever heard of PTSD? Plus this guy got shot believing he was doing the right thing! Hello?

    Must be easy lobbing word grenades behind a computer screen.

  5. i see them all the time -- being the winters here are mild...on every street corner and in ditches -- the free meal kitchens are packed every evening - they start lining up in the early afternoons...

    we are a sick nation that sends people to get maimed and then doesn't take care of them...sigh


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