Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well, I bought it...

"It" being an Envision G22LWk 22" Widescreen LCD. See, the problem is that I have a shelf over my monitor that my printer and scanner live on. Yeah, my iceberg is kinda cramped. So I couldn't go taller. But a 22" Widescreen is about the same height as the 17" LCD that it replaced. Only wider.

Some lessons learned:

  1. DVI is much sharper than analog, and this thing won't work at full 1650x1050 resolution in analog anyhow.
  2. You have to reboot your system to make Linux use the DVI output rather than the analog output, because Linux consults the BIOS, and if the BIOS didn't see it during boot time, Linux doesn't see it.
  3. The free 'nv' Nvidia driver is too slow to drive 1650x1050 worth a darn.
  4. There was no pre-packaged "nvidia" proprietary driver for the low-latency Ubuntu Studio kernel. I tried downloading the proprietary nVidia driver straight from the nVidia web site, but could not get it to run. I finally removed every trace of it and installed Envy and told Envy to install the nVidia driver for me. It did all the magic needed to get it going. Whee!
  5. My Linux system is still too slow to view DVD's at full resolution though :-(. (Combination of fairly old/slow video card, slow motherboard, and old CPU).
Next up, I suppose, is upgrading my motherboard/CPU/memory/video card to less... antiquated... hardware so I can view DVD's full screen the way they're meant to be...

-- Badtux the Linux Penguin


  1. *eyes glaze over* You wanna explain that to me again?

  2. Only if you can explain to me why a woman needs more than two pairs of shoes - one for work, and one for everything else.

    It's a Linux penguin thing. Leave it at that :-).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. I started collecting shoes when I was in the.....entertainment biz....It's become and obsession ever since. I don't know why women like shoes, who do racoons like shiny objects??

  4. and men like to play in their pants...sorry i couldn't

    glad to see your geekiness out here in blogland...refreshing

    and about those shoes...must be a girlie girl thing...i own 10 pairs..the only thing i'm obsessed with is the latest technology...

    oh, and what i originally wanted to say..don't you hate when you get that new technology and forgot to upgrade the rest of the package???

  5. What ever. I'm going out to enjoy my low tech fire for a bit. Hugs.

  6. I believe in many pairs of shoes and large monitor surfaces. Currently I am running 2 19" monitors and I have around 10 pairs of shoes.

    I am considering picking up a 22" widescreen to be used with one of the 19s in portrait, and a blue deck shoe.


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