Monday, May 07, 2007

Weather redux

Wow. What's up with this weather? 92 F in Santa Clara. This is a place where, until 1990 or so, nobody ever bothered with air conditioning because the climate was so mild. Last week it was in the 50's here. Now it's in the 90's?!

I wore my mesh motorcycling gear riding to work this morning. This evening it'll come in handy. Last week I didn't even ride to work, because it was cold and dreary and drizzling rain. Hmm....

-- Badtux the Weather Penguin


  1. Penguins need to moved to cooler climates! It was extra warm here in the midwest too. Luckily Vulcans don't have all that down and feathers like penguins do.

  2. What you need are more public holidays... in England we had the warmest April since records began... but as soon as we have a public holiday... it goes grey and rains

  3. We had the Cinco de Mayo holiday here on Saturday, and it was bright, sunny, and in the mid 70's. Yesterday, however, was brutal. 89 to 91F depending upon where I measured it. My air conditioner got its first workout of the season then.

    As for England, it goes grey and rains there if you sneeze wrong. Like boiled grey meat and spotted dick, it's just one of the charms of the dank little island.

    - Badtux the Not-English Penguin

  4. On the other side of the country (USA), the wind is blowing so hard that I can't go outside (asthma), but the water in the creek is rising because the wind is blowing it in. Our boat may soon be in our yard, and it's cold. We have the heat on right now. What a world we live in.

  5. If you don't like the English weather, you just need to wait a moment :)
    I can't remember the last time I was served any boiled meat...
    Not the weather for spotted dick.. best served on a dark February day with lots of custard

    The Cooking Gentleman Thug


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