Saturday, May 05, 2007

Bonus cat blogging

Because I couldn't do my catblogging yesterday, I give you this bonus picture of The Mighty Fang taking a nap.

Doing better with the recorder. Completely ignoring the fingering chart sent with the thing. I have a very good ear, and can hear when a note I'm playing is off key (or simply the wrong note) and modify my fingering to match. I can now play some simple tunes like "I Am Your Sunshine" on the thing. Eagerly awaiting my Irish whistles though, because I absolutely *hate* the sound of this thing (sounds like a plastic whistle - eh, who woulda thunk?!).

-- Badtux the Lumpy Music Penguin


  1. Dude, when I am not driving my pickup because I have to in order to pack things around I ride a seventy MPG scooter or ride a bike. Or walk, in the rain even. A little rain never hurt anyone. :-)

    I'll bet that I can walk your lazy butt into the ground. :-)

  2. The Mighty Fang? I don't see no Mighty Fang. It looks like your bed isn't made as good as it could be. When I have lumps under the blankets like that, I like to threaten I'm going to smooth them out by sitting on them. I never do, I just pet the lumps, sometimes... and raise the covers.. and a sleepy-eyed cat will look up as if to say, "hey, I'm sleeping here! Don't annoy me!"

  3. Hey, that cat-lump looks familiar! :-)

  4. "I Am Your Sunshine"?

    Dude, please.

    At least give, oh, I don't know, Jethro Tull's "Thick As A Brick (edit #1)" a shot. Maybe the timbre of the instrument won't bother you so much.

    "I Am Your Sunshine." Good Lord...

  5. yet another digital tradition page

    a great link, a lot of the songs have pennywhistle fingering charts published with them.

  6. p.s. the easiest way to tell a real whistler from a poser is that real whistlers never tongue notes, they skirl into them

  7. Mimus, "I am Your Sunshine" is the Barack Obama version of "You Are My Sunshine", the latter of which was made famous by "The Singing Governor", Governor Jimmy Davis of Louisiana (who also had a Hollywood career as a movie singing cowboy at the time). I once was priviliged to see Governor Davis in concert, I think on his 90th birthday at the Strand Theatre in Shreveport. He only sung one or two songs, but still had The Voice. Indeed, he continued pulling in crowds at events (primarily gospel music events) until his late 90's, at which point he retired.

    Anyhow, "You are my sunshine" is very easy to play on any instrument, so of course it's an obvious choice when learning a new one. I can even do it on harmonica :-).


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