Thursday, May 10, 2007

On the other hand...

there is this beast. PLANAR PL2010M Black 20" 16ms DVI LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 1000:1 Built in Speakers. This is what is on my desk at the office. It does 1600x1200 resolution, which is a *bunch* of open Emacs windows or browser or EMAIL windows. Of course, the slow refresh rate would make it suck for games, and I'm not even sure it would *fit* on my desk at home (due to the shelf over the monitor area) whereas the widescreen definitely would... would also not be as good for watching DVD movies.

Choices, choices...

-- Badtux the Consumer Penguin


  1. GREAT!! A reason to buy a bigger desk, too.

    Say, is that chair comfy enough for a penguin's bottom? They do tend to spread a bit with extra herring.

  2. Whatever makes you happiest. (assuming affordability is within the happiness paradigm).

    Augh. Can't believe I used the word paradigm!


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