Friday, September 22, 2006

Sexy pink tongue

Like all Internet sex symbols, the Mighty Fang knows the importance of meticulous grooming.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. And in case you're wondering how I managed to catch a piece of hot tongue action on the part of the sexy Fang -- lots and lots of snapshots, bay-bee! I was basically holding down the "shoot" button for about 3 minutes there while he groomed himself, taking pictures as fast as the flash would regenerate.

    - Badtux the Camera Penguin

  2. Fang is a magnificent creature.

  3. Beautiful cat. Your patience paid off, this is a good pic.

  4. A few shots before that, he was grooming himself a bit, err, lower. Unfortunately, I didn't get any tongue action in that one -- just the top of his head.

    And yes, he really is that shiny. People ask me, "what do you do to make your cat so shiny? Do you give him special baths or something?" Well, no. He has *extremely* sharp claws (the sharpest claws of any cat I've ever owned, which is about a dozen cats over the course of my lifetime), so I'm not interested in giving him a bath! No, he apparently shines himself. I just feed him, change his kitty litter once a week, take him to the vet once a year, swap out his claw-sharpening cardboard scratching pad once a month, and that's that...

    -Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  5. I can see a fang! Nice photo. Nice kitty.


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