Friday, September 29, 2006

Hot pink prehensile tongue action

The curmudgeonly Mencken, fresh from griping about how he has to eat kitty kibble rather than caviar, demonstrates how cats keep their noses moist.

I think I just made sure that no public school computer or library computer can ever view my web site again :-).

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Best laugh I've had all day, looking at the kitty face.

    Hey, is that a copy of the "The 1972 Annual World's Best SF" I spy in the background? So were you a member of The Science Fiction Book Club in early 70s?

  2. Why yes, that IS a copy of the 1972 Annual World's Best SF in the background! As for whether I'm old enough to have been a member of the Science Fiction Book Club in the early 1970's, no comment :-).

    -- Badtux the "Ain't Tellin'" Penguin

  3. I have a copy of the same book. And I was very young when I was a member of the SF Book Club.

    My favorite story in the collection was Sturgeon's "Occam's Scalpel." I wanted to adapt for film as one of my senior projects in film school but realized it would cost me a small fortune to do.

  4. Would this be "kitty" porn I've been hearing about?

  5. Yeah, Nick, aren't cats such sensuous critters? There's a reason why the Puritan witch-hunters of Salem persecuted cats with as much viciousness as they persecuted sexually attractive "witches", often burning the "witch"'s cat alongside the "witch"...

    Ole' Blue, I'll need to tell you the story about Mencken and the vicious attack pillow one day. Mencken isn't the brightest of kitties, and he has lived in deathly fear of pillows ever since :-).

    - Badtux the Cat-appreciating Penguin

  6. Gee, if Repuglicans could do that they could get Bush's shit off their noses.

  7. Gordon, I think Republicans' tongues are long enough, but the split in the tip (and the smell of brimstone that comes out when they open their mouths) sort of interferes with a good nose licking.

    -- Badtux the "Anybody smell brimstone here?" Penguin

  8. Cute kitty! Great title! :)


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