Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The fall fashions are here

At least, that's what Wal-Mart just helpfully told me via the wonders of email.

I have just one question: Isn't "fashion" and "Wal-Mart" in the same sentence sorta like "Republican" and "honesty" in the same sentence?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Fashion and Wal-Mart go together like aromatherapy and horseshit. Respectively.

  2. Be a good consumer and have the latest fashions and accessories! Be hip! Be styling! Be a consumer!

  3. Hmm. "Hip". "Styling". "Wal-Mart." One of those words does not go with the others. Hmm....

    -Badtux the Fashionable Penguin
    (hey, tuxedos are *ALWAYS* fashionable!)

  4. Why are you getting emails from Walmart? You must have agreed to get them. Are you a fucking coffee filter?

    That was wisdom and humor at the same time by the way. :-)

    But, I hate fucking Martha Stewart, she is a man with a pussy wanting to get rich off everyone.

    That is all,the cranky God.

  5. Well, I have been known to buy clothes there, now and then. I've never been called fashionable... so, I guess that's the answer.

  6. Hmmm... that post above is mine. anonymous is my middle name.

  7. BBC, Martha Stewart is the K-Mart gal. K-Mart is the folks that Wal-Mart drove into bankruptcy.

    -Badtux the Helpful Penguin

  8. Oh, regarding clothes from Wal-mart -- I buy cotton underwear and cotton socks there. Nothing else. I find that the cotton shirts sold there don't last very long and wrinkle badly, same deal with their slacks, and the jeans sold there are stiff and ugly.

    The only time I've ever shopped at Wal-Mart was when stuck somewhere that there was no choice. For example, one day I flew out to Bentonville, Arkansas, to do some work at a major corporation based there in getting one of their new computer systems working properly. The work did not go well, so I ended up staying overnight for a second night. I didn't have enough clothes with me for that. Well, Bentonville Arkansas has a Wal-Mart on every corner, but doesn't have anything else (gasp!). So I went into Wal-mart and got some slacks and a shirt (I did have spare socks and undies stuffed in my overnight bag), and was good to go.

    Those lasted the way Wal-mart clothes usually do, of course -- not long. The cuffs frayed, the shirt collar turned into a mess even with ironing, and I eventually threw them away. Wal-mart clothes are cheap but no bargain. But if you're stuck in a strange town and need clothes quick and it's 9pm at night because you just spent 12 hours at the corporate HQ trying to get infernal technology to working... (shrug). Only one store is open in those kinds of towns at that time of night. So Wal-mart it was ...

    -Badtux the Sometime-travelin' Penguin


  9. Hey T shits and rubber boots are high fashion in these parts that is why "Communist China Supplies Us" - Mart is so popular around here.

  10. Ahhhh Wally World. I’ve refused to enter the one here in Iowa City for more than two years. I know employees who were promised the great Wal-Mart career and got hosed the moment they were close to getting benefits. Hmmm . . . I wonder if their recruiters are military trained.
    There’s also their latest stunt – force all their suppliers to use a computerized direct warehouse purchase system, so that cuts out ALL small, independent suppliers. Coke or Pepsi distributors (I forget which) have sued Wal-Mart because their supply districts are supposed to be protected.
    AND, here they tried to ram a Super Wal-Mart in place of the old one, but fortunately a group of citizens took the city to court and won. You see the city was selling them the land for a hefty price, but would have had to make allowances in terms of zoning and letting them build in a flood plain. Iowa City might be a goofy little university town in the Midwest, but the folks here just don’t put up with shit like that. We may be “Midwest nice”, but we ain’t stupid.
    If I want nice quality clothes for a very cheap price, I go to the local Mennonite charity second hand store. There the clothes are high quality (the rich folks here love to donate to them), and my money goes to help disadvantaged people all over the world.

  11. Fashion and Wal-Mart, a true oxymoron. I'm with cornfield jane, I never go to Wal-Mart. Ever. Hate their corporate ethos and cheap Chinese crap. I used to have Target as an alternative when I needed to purchase cheap Chinese crap, but then they went all whacky with the contraceptivesw issue, so they're out now too.


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