Monday, September 04, 2006


"Crikey! Lookit the size of that one, mate! AGH!!!!!" [CROAK]

The world now has a little less color, as Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin goes to that great croc huntin' preserve in the sky... killed by one of his beloved Australian critters, of course. I suppose that's like a biker getting killed in a motorcycle accident, or a mountain climber getting killed in a mountain climbing accident, etc. Ya don't wanna go, but if ya gotta go...

--Badtux the colorful-person-admiring Penguin


  1. I wanna die on top of a hot redhead. :-)

  2. Yeah, it was too soon, but at least it was doing the work he excelled at with the creatures he enjoyed hunting. I wonder if his children will grow up to be croc hunters? I think he was teaching them the art.

  3. Sort of weird that sting rays are not normaly lethal. The barb pearced his heart. On the radio this morning they said that the video actually showed him pulling the barb out.


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