Thursday, September 21, 2006

Our Saudi "allies"

This picture of a family in Saudi Arabia says it all:

Not only are our Saudi "allies" a bunch of humorless religious fanatics who treat their women like slaves and otherwise are dispicable, but they're also *STUPID*. Can you hear the conversation in the women's quarters at this dude's home once this picture is developed? "I'm the one on the left." "No, *I* am the one on the left!" Sheesh...

-- Badtux the "Some people are too dumb to be allowed to breed" Penguin


  1. A rather large brush with much tar dripping from it 'Tux. I know sorta where you're coming from, but that sort of broad generalisation regarding an entire people seems out of character for you. Moderates exist everywhere, but just don't stick out like the jackasses. Besides, what makes ya think that mere women have access to the photo album,lol?

  2. To be fair, Cadaver, I should make it clear that ordinary Saudis have no say in their government or in how their society is run. I am primarily referring to the Saudi "royals", who unlike the royalty of fairy tales are a bunch of jumped-up tribal chieftans who rode to power behind the swords of Wahabi extremists and ever since have been the #1 exporters of Wahabi extremism around the world as their bribe to the Wahabi for not overthrowing their corrupt kleptocracy. I went to school with some of them, and a more morally corrupt, self-important, and *stupid* bunch you'll never find anywhere outside of a Republican nominating convention or Congress (the latter being the only uniquely American criminal class).

    Ask anybody in the Middle East (outside of Saudi Arabia) about the Saudi "royals". I dare you. You'll get an earfull. Nobody likes them. Except, apparently, George W. Bush and his bunch of petro-corporation backers, who seem to like them just fine. (The reason I say "outside of Saudi Arabia" is because inside Saudi Arabia, it is a *CRIME* to criticize the "royal" kleptocrats -- which says it all, I suppose).

    -Badtux the non-Saudi Penguin

  3. I think the one on the left blinked. Can't they be stoned to death for that?

  4. I e-mailed a Saudi girl (she said she was related to royals) for a while. She was bright, but her brother was a complete idiot. Guess who got the education in Britain? There is still inbreeding going on. It's quite sad, actually. This guy is trying: Dr. Khaled Batarfi Page

  5. Say Cheese!

  6. They seem to have one hand showing. That's the way they will know who is standing where. Bizarre photo.


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