Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blame Canada!

The U.S. Air Force has identified the primary threat to American soldiers in Afghanistan: Canadian soldiers. While the USAF has been unable to kill Osama bin Laden, they have proven over the past four years to be quite effective at killing Canadian soldiers.

Contacted for comment by Penguin News International, a spokesman for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper states, "We are not sure why the Americans killed our soldier, but we're sure they had their reasons. We support our President." Asked whether P.M. Harper had given President Bush a blow job when last visiting the White House, the spokesperson said "no no, that was just ice cream." He did, however, confirm rumors that P.M. Harper also gave President Bush a doormat with a Canadian maple leaf for the President to wipe his feet on.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. How do you find the time to keep track of all this stuff?

  2. Apparently, OBL is safe and sound as a guest of the Pakistani government, provided he remain a "peaceful citizen". So... we're getting our butts shot off for what reason again? Oh, and our boy "Steve" may not be George's lap dog, but he does seem to be begging for scraps at the table whilst licking his balls for all to see. Or was that his ass?

  3. Oh come now. Stevey isn't Bush's poodle. Stevey is Bush's doormat.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin


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