Friday, September 22, 2006

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

The state of terror now gripping Iraq is as bad as it was under Saddam Hussein. Torture in the country may even be worse than it was during his rule, the United Nation's special investigator on torture said yesterday.

Why am I not surprised? This is the future the neo-cons want for America too -- an anarchical nightmare of no strong central government, death squads "defending" individual patches of turf, torture, and looting.

And nobody gives a flyin' flip, 'cause it means "hey, we don't have to pay taxes in Anarchopia!".

Assholes. After the men with guns finish stealing everything you own, you won't have anything to pay taxes *WITH*. In Anarchopia, only the rich have rights, because only the rich can afford to buy the guns to keep themselves safe. Everybody else is property.

Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. No taxes? No civilization. I notice that the proud anti-tax warriors never seem interested in moving to Mexico, which surely is a paradise compared to the USA considering that their taxes as a percentage of GDP are half those of the USA... hmm, maybe they're scared of the kidnap gangs that kidnap rich people and ransom them off to their families? Or maybe they're scared of the drug gangs that randomly shoot up anybody they view as a threat? Or maybe they're scared of the policia who set up roadblocks where they solicit bribes and will lock you up in a deep dark dungeon and torture you if you don't pay a bribe? Look, neo-con assholes -- if you don't like America, move to Mexico, your obvious utopia! I mean, c'mon, why make America into Mexico North, when you can just move to the real thing!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. "In Anarchopia, only the rich have rights, because only the rich can afford to buy the guns to keep themselves safe."

    Tux, that sure sounds like Iraq, where the higher-income neighborhoods have had to set up private security to protect themselves, because the Iraqi military is very corrupt and the U.S. Military is only protecting "vital" interests, like the road to the airport. This is according to US Embassy reports that anyone can view, that have also stated three months ago that conditons in Iraq have deteriorated to Civil War.

    What positive achievements have we made there, I keep forgetting, and I can't seem find what it is, oh yeah, freedom (if you can afford a bodyguard or two).


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