Friday, September 08, 2006

First they came for the Muslims...

... preventing them from praying on aircraft...

then they came for the Jews.

That's what bigotry and hate lead to. if you have an AIPAC going around sowing bigotry and hatred against Muslims, eventually some of that is going to land right back in their laps. Pots calling kettles black rarely works out well...

-- Badtux the "What goes 'round, comes 'round" Penguin


  1. C'mon, the heathen were taken of the plane for the safety of the real Christian folk on the plane. If The God of Real American Christian Folk is in a foul mood (and let's face it things aren't exactly going His Way these days, what with Mel Gibson having to apologize and the Kansas Board of Education losing all of its Intelligent Designers...even The Pope has been somewhat mellow) and gets in one of those smitin' snits He's fond of, there's no telling what sort of calamity might follow.
    Just as He's hearing all of them Real Christian Prayers about having a safe and smooth flight and please don't lose my luggage and then He hears some heathen gibberish...boom! there goes Flight 2694 Real Christian Folk and all. Hell, I bet that's the real reason the commuter plane went down in Kentucky, heathen prayers!

  2. The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.

  3. Unfortunately it's a long swim back home to Antarctica, so it appears that for my annual migration, I will need to ditch my tin of holy herring and fly without the Great Penguin's assistance. Not that the Great Penguin really bestirs himself to assist anyhow, he's too busy slumbering from his last big mean of herring :-(.

    This is assuming that the State has not by that time classified all penguins as potential terrorists and put them on the no-fly list of course. And that the airline crew doesn't evict me for being an obvious penguin in the midst of a band of hairless feces-flinging hooting howling chimpanzees.

    - Badtux the Flightless Penguin

  4. It is a matter of time before a free nation becomes so plauged with rules and regulations that the nation falls into tyrany.

  5. Lurch... I'm not into metaphysically speculative.

    Revolutionaries CHANGE their dreams as soon as they obtain power.


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