Friday, April 08, 2011

Proof found that rational markets theory is wrong

The world's most accurate news source has uncovered proof that Eugene Fama's "Rational Markets Theory" is wrong. To quote the world's most reliable news source:

According to experts, the Connecticut-based franchise Edible Arrangements, which arranges skewered pieces of fruit into displays vaguely resembling floral bouquets, has defied all modern economic models, expanding continuously for the past decade despite its complete lack of any discernible consumer appeal.

"In theory, the market should have done away with Edible Arrangements long ago," said American Economic Association president Orley Ashenfelter, who added that one of the crucial assumptions of capitalism is the idea that businesses producing undesired goods or services will fail. "That's how it's supposed to work. Yet somehow, despite offering no product of any worth whatsoever, this company not only makes payroll every week, but also generates strong profits."

Asked for a statement, Professor Fama said "I have equations proving my theory is right! Who cares about that 'reality' stuff anyhow?" When last seen, Professor Fama was riding off on a pink unicorn in search of cotton candy trees...

-- Badtux the Snarky Economics Penguin


  1. Ah, the Onion, a great place to go when you're tired of all the other shit.

  2. There is an interesting point to the story: Who the hell pays $75 for someone to cut pineapple slices into flower 'shapes' and put them on a stick?

    Oh yeah, I forgot...they deliver it too.

    Silly me.

  3. The majority of The Onion's stories have a point. They are, after all, the world's most reliable(*) news source ;). Only humor has the capacity to encompass the truth that is reality today, all other attempts run ashore on the iceberg that is insanity. I mean, seriously. If someone had told you ten years ago that we would have a black Republican president who would be accused of being an Islamo-fascist Nigerian socialist, what would you have said? The crazy things that happen in real life have driven the so-called "serious people" crazy, leaving the comedians as the only sane people in the building...

    - Badtux the Appreciative Penguin
    (*) When you correctly call the whole Bush administration *before it even happens*, you gain the right to be called the "world's most reliable news source".

  4. If someone had told you ten years ago that we would have a black Republican president who would be accused of being an Islamo-fascist Nigerian socialist, what would you have said?

    "Nothing surprises me anymore."

  5. In case you were wondering, this product does exist, and is actually quite tasty.



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