Friday, April 02, 2010

It's Jesus-on-a-stick Day!

Yay! Get your Jesus-on-a-stick, hot and fresh off the griddle. It's time to feast on body and blood of Christ! It's Holy Jesus On A Stick Cannibal Day, boys'n'girls, just go over there to your local house of kiddie fuckers err "church" for your feast of holy flesh and holy blood.

OMG, I'm going to Hell for this post. As if threatening to send a penguin to nice, chilly Hell, Michigan, was a punishment!

-- Badtux the Hell-bound Penguin


  1. tux
    We used to say Jesus Christ on a bicycle.
    Same thing only different.

  2. Check out the Mr Deity podcast episode "Mr Deity and the Host" if you want his perspective on this topic.

  3. I've been to Hell, MI, though not recently. Not much there besides the Post Office. Wonder if they have WiFi?

    Anyway, Penguin, that was cold!

    JzB the agnostic trombonist

  4. I've been to Hell, MI, though not recently. Not much there besides the Post Office. Wonder if they have WiFi?

    Anyway, Penguin, that was cold!

    JzB the agnostic trombonist

  5. We can only hope and pray that this year the Pope will finally forgive the Italians for killing Jesus.

  6. I have also been to Hell, Michigan. And on a snowy day, no less.

    A friend of mine had recently been plagued by a Facebook "friend" who converted to some hardcore strain of Christianity and then proceeded to pepper every remotely religious or political post on my friend's page with pleas for her to come over to Jeebus and be "saved."

    Rather than simply de-friend this nitwit, she decided to have a little fun with him instead. Thus, she and I staged a raging Facebook argument over the merits of Pie vs Cake. (Being an evolved being, I of course took the side of Pie.) We approached it from the perspective of Pie and Cake being competing religions, with accusations of heresy, imprecations to accept the love of Pie/Cake and thus be saved from Hell, etc. When, after about an hour of this, her clueless Christian friend chimed in that our argument was silly, we brought down the hammer:

    "Hey, at least pie and cake exist."

    He de-friended her about thirty seconds later. Mission accomplished.


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