Saturday, April 17, 2010

Busy day

Been looking for a new berth for my iceberg, and now I'm scouring the Youtubes for a new batch of videos because we were just about at the end of the last batch. I want to get up to May 1, at least. I have some really cool stuff coming up, some unsigned bands that have some really neat tunes. Some people think music is dead. Nope, it's not, it just takes a lot more looking to find it... but luckily we now have the Internets to help us with that, cool!

-- Badtux the Music Penguin

1 comment:

  1. "Some people think music is dead. Nope, it's not, it just takes a lot more looking to find it."

    So true but with You Tubing and all the great radio streams out there, the quality stuff is available. Happy hunting BT.

    I still kinda miss rummaging through the record bins, especially the cutouts.


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