Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Why I hate Microsoft

Okay, my laptop has Windows XP and Linux on it. No big deal. Except that Windows XP has lost its mind, and is completely unbootable -- it stops at that idiotic blue screen that has the Microsoft Windows XP logo on it, and never moves from there.

What's wrong with it? I don't know. Microsoft took out the "step by step" debug mode that earlier versions of Windows had because "it confused customers". For that matter, in XP SP 2, they even took out the "Boot into Safe Mode CLI" so I cannot even look at the boot log to see where it failed (again, because "it confused customers"). Instead, all I get is that idiotic flag and a mouse pointer that does nothing.

Rescue CD? HAH! HP has a "System Recovery" CD. All it does is overwrite the entire contents of the hard drive to make it look exactly like when it left HP's factory. What about my files? Microsoft and HP don't care about my steenkin' files! BWAH HAH HAH HAH HA ALL YOUR FILES ARE BELONG TO US! That's Microsoft and HP's attitude.

Look: It is absolutely, 100% *IMPOSSIBLE* for this situation to happen with Linux unless you're a total cretin (like one of Microsoft's programmers). First of all, you get to see what's happening when the system boots (if you go into 'e' to edit the boot line and remove the 'quiet' option), so you know where it failed. Secondly, as long as there is a filesystem on the hard drive, you can always boot into a rescue CD and get into your system and fix whatever the failure was. And finally, you don't have DLL Hell on Linux. Multiple versions of libraries happily co-exist on the system, thus you don't have to worry about application X, when it installs, overwriting system files that will make the system unbootable.

So why the hell is Microsoft still in business? Well, it's simple: 51%+ of Americans are utter cretins. (see: November 7, 2004 for proof).

'Nuff said. Microsoft: America deserves them. Too bad America had to impose them on the rest of the world too. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Snarking Penguin

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