Monday, January 31, 2005

Uppity negros refuse to cooperate with IRS

Them uppity negros at the NAACP are refusing to cooperate with the IRS. They claim that the IRS is engaged in a politically-motivated witch-hunt because their president criticized the policies of George W. Bush and the Bush administration, and that they aren't going to participate in it. What a bunch of maroons. Look, there's nothing political about this at all. Why, if the NAACP had criticized BIll Clinton the way they criticized George W. Bush, I'm sure the IRS would have audited them then, too!

Whoops, that's right, they DID criticize Bill Clinton's policies, and were not investigated by the IRS for doing so. Hmm, gosh darn it, but Bill Clinton was a DEMON-crat, so that meant it was fine to criticize him. It's only our Boy Emperor Bush who is beyond criticism! Sheesh, the nerve of these uppity negros, criticizing a fine upstanding Southern gentleman like George W. Bush who only wants them to be happy little pickininnies back on the plantation again.... what's next, they're going to actually insist that their votes be COUNTED like they weren't in Ohio and Florida this year? Apalling! Pretty soon they're going to insist they're actual HUMAN BEINGS instead of just, like, darkies!

Sarcastically yours,
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. The NAACP criticized democrats? RRRRRRRight.

  2. Two words: Welfare Reform.

    The NAACP busted Clinton big time for that one.


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