Monday, January 17, 2005

Sy Hersh is a traitor and always wrong anyhow

So here we go again, Sy Hersh once again spitting on our American soldiers and their God-given duty to teach ignorant brown people about democracy by beating the crap out of them until they get some sense knocked into their head. Now Sy's talking about U.S. troops going on recon missions in Iran.

Well, look, first of all, if it was true, Sy would be a traitor for saying so, because the Iranians wouldn't know about recon missions going on in their country if it wasn't for journalists telling them about it, I mean, they *LIVE* there, why would they notice a bunch of white fellers running around with machine guns and stuff unless Sy told them to notice?! He's gonna get our men killed! Well, not exactly, because look: Sy is lying.

Why do I know that? Well, it's simple: nothing that Hersh says ever is true. Why, look at that stupid story he did last year about our soldiers torturing Iraqis at that Abu-whatever placy in Iraq. Obviously lies, all lies, which is why the U.S. military is court-martialling and convicting the soldiers who did the torture, because, well, Hersh LIED. Look, them Iraqi darkies need a good whuppin’ now and then to beat some sense into them, they’ll *never* learn about this “democracy” stuff unless we put a good whuppin’ on them from time to time when they ain’t payin’ attention! There wasn't any abuse or torture there, just God's good discipline, like what a lovin' daddy is 'sposed to do to his children! Why, what daddy is there out there who hasn't likewise stripped his childrens nekkid, stacked them in a pyramid, and took pictures of them to prove to them their sinfulness? Sy lied, nothing happened at Abu Ghraib! Here, look at the monkey. Look at the silly monkey. [BOOM!]

- Badtux the Redneck Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, and damn that See-Moore Hersh for lying about that massacre at My Lai! It was all because of him that we lost that unwinnable war too! In fact, I bet John KKKerry, Clinton's VC puppet, told him all that info about My Lai while he wrote up his own reccomendation for a purple heart!


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