Monday, January 10, 2005

This highway kept clean by the Ku Klux Klan

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a decision today that the Klu Klux Klan be allowed to adopt a Missouri highway. So now the Klan will get to pick up the trash by the side of the road. It is unknown whether they will actually consent to bag themselves, but certainly that would beautify our communities quite a bit to get rid of all that inbred buck-tooth wild-eyed hood-wearing white trash.

A Klan lawyer commented that the group wishes to adopt the highway in order to foster, no joke, “solidarity with the community.” I suppose this leaves nothing standing in the way of the KKK becoming a welcome and productive member of the community. Except, of course, the bigotry, arson, and systematic violent murder.

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. First of all, your first sentence after the subject title is misspelled (Klu Klux Klan). Having said that, well, why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt a highway? My grandpappy once burned a cross in someone's yard to show his faith to Jesus, just like these upstandin' citizens. And like God's Chosen Leader, George W. Bush, they hate brown-skinned "Islamofascits" who want to rise up from a now-blocked cemetary in Tennesee, summon evil magic scimitars using a magic genie voiced by Robin Williams, and slit all our throats in our sleep.

    Either that, or force us to watch Shaquille O'Neal in Kazaam (don't ask me why I watched that, but the Jesusland Ministry of Faith-Based Truth should classify it as a terrorist training video.)

    Sorry if my snark's a bit off. My "Inner Frenchman" has been thinking about starting up a less satirical, more "reality-based" blog in the near future.


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