Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Marine commits suicide by cop to keep from going back to Iraq


So now a family is without its father, and a family is without its son, and that bastard George W. Bush hasn't a clue. The banality of evil is not a cliche. It is exemplified by our entire U.S. government, which will do evil the same way as a 2 year old -- in all innocence, with no knowledge of the consequences of his actions. But Bush is not a 2 year old. If he does evil out of ignorance, it is because he has made a willful choice to remain ignorant, because he doesn't care. He doesn't give a shit. It's not him or one of his precious children (send Jenna to Iraq, I say!), so why should he give a shit?

So he doesn't.

And the blood soaks into the streets and through the gutters and the White House slowly turns red, and nobody gives a shit, and nobody cares.

-- Badtux the Disgusted Penguin

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